Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crazy Kitten!

My sister's kitten is a few months old now, and she is quite the wild child. She runs around continuously and when you aren't looking, she'll pounce out of nowhere and start clawing and biting.

Our own personal feline anklebiter. She's been known to scale people's legs, backs and chests, especially if you have food or shiny necklaces.

It's so bad, that if she crouches and gets ready to pounce in our direction, we literally run for the hills. If she sprints in our direction before we can run, we'll jump on the nearest couch or chair and hope she doesn't follow.

We think she's part Siamese, because one of her littermates looked like one, but other than that, we don't know, because her whole family was dumped on the side of the road in a box. My sis's friend and his brother rescued them. I couldn't believe it when I heard about it. People are so cruel and heartless.


  1. How awful that they got dumped! Thank goodness for the nice people out there that rescue animals and those who take them into their homes!

  2. Hello fellow teenage witch with a blog! come check mine out home slice! I know I'm a freak.

  3. I love kittens! My friend rescued a litter from under a car, their mother was nowhere to be found for days. We think she may have been a crack cat and abandoned her babies to get her next fix. In all seriousness, they are adorable and yes, giant pains in the rear!

    Love your blog!

