Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter Six!

What's more magical than Harry Potter? I'm in the theatre now waiting to see it! About twenty more minutes, yay! What did ya'll think of it when you saw it?


  1. I had some mixed feelings, but, dang it, it's Harry Potter! So of course I loved it!

    There were some things changed (not sure why) and left out (fight scene?) but I think the purpose of this one is to move us along to the big finale of the next 2.

    I can't wait for The Deathly Hallows!

  2. I'm waiting to hear all about it. I heard it wasn't as great as the book, was it true?

  3. I thought it was wonderful! It did skip a lot, but the plot still went pretty smoothly. There was some stuff in there that I didn't remember from the book, so now I'm going to go back and read it again.

  4. I feel like they said "Hey, here's a story that's been already written. It's been read by millions worldwide. Let's make it into a different story." I love all of the previous movies but I think they strayed too far from the story in this one, much further than the other movies. I watch the movies to see my favorite story in action, not their version of it.

