Saturday, July 18, 2009

An Assignment and a Run-In With Stereotyping

Well, I told you my sister made a wish charm bracelet with me. But, a few days ago, she took it off, and has been acting kind of strange. We did have a fight that day, but I've been kind of on edge ever since.

I keep getting worried that she might blab to her mom, (my stepmother) or her grandmother about my no longer being Christian. And if she does, all hell would break loose in my family. I'm not worried so much about my stepmom, who I think would be semi ok with it, but if her Grandma found out, then she'd freak. There's no telling what she'd do.

I once wrote a story for a Forensic Science assignment, and I was trying to find some pictures for the cover page. It ivolved a religious hate murder of a Pagan woman, so I was trying to find both a cross and a proper pentagram to put on the cover. Google was a pain, because when we searched for pentagrams a lot of them came up to be the upside down ones, or the ones portrayed in stereotypical, untrue circumstances, which wasn't what I wanted.

During the time I was workinig on the project, I was using my sister's computer, because I didn't have mine with me, and she had a minor virus issue, which the anti-virus software mostly took care, of. We just needed some help getting rid of it, because we didn't understand what the software was telling us, with all the technical gibberish. So, we went to her grandma, to see if she could help us, and explained what we'd been doing when it popped up.

She then helped us fix it, but told us to be careful what we did on the computer and what we searched for, "especially those pentagrams". The way she said it implied that you could get a virus searching for pentagrams on Google, but anything else was safe.

Isn't any picture or link on Google just as harmful to your computer as the next? I couldn't say anything then, but it still bothers me that stereotypes like that are still around.


  1. You are very right. It is sad and annoying that people still think that way. All we can do is try to educate them, so that they can learn the truth about Paganism and everything attached to it. Hope things don't go too crazy at home. BTW, how old is your sister?

  2. It's sad that people still feel that way, but thankfully, most of it is from ignorance more than hate. With a little education, most people will come around.

  3. To Magaly Guerrero: 14, two years younger than I am. Why?

