Friday, September 11, 2009


School is insane!! JROTC is awesome but tiring, but I get to do Drill Team everyday, play with rifles, and slowly make friends with the people in my class. Most of the guys in my class are on Drill Team, so I get to see them twice a day, plus the art class I share with two of them. It's been a nearly a month or so since school started, and only now am I just barely starting to communicate and be friendly with them. Because they all know one another from Drill Team last year, when I wasn't there.

I particularly like three of them, one of whom is just a natural people person and was an instant friend, and the other two, who I see multiple times a day and are nice even though we aren't really friends, per se. school. That's all I can really say. It's been the most interesting year yet, and also the most boring. I'm on my own a lot, because people already have their groups they hang with here and there, and trying to work my way into one would really be a waste of time, because I don't know a lot of my friends' other friends, and nobody really makes time for the new person who just randomly showed up.

Everyone here has history together, and I'm somewhat on the inside, and yet most definitley stuck on the outside. But, despite my desire for companionship, I just don't know how to integrate myself enough into a group for them to take an interest in me.

Hopefully Drill Team will change that though...any advice?
